Nature Study

RRCE_smcoverRocks, Rivers, and the Changing Earth: A first book about geology

By Herman and Nina Schneider

We are so thrilled to have this book in print – a living book about the living earth. The story of the earth’s geology is told in a conversational style with great illustrations and lots of activities to try. We made a few updates to reflect the newer science of plate tectonics. For 4-6 grade.

You can purchase this book at the Hillside Bookshop (click here).



natural scienceNatural Science Through the Seasons: 100 Teaching Units by James A Partridge

This is a reprint of a long out of print and much-looked-for nature study book. It includes an incredibly awesome collection of season-specific nature study activities. In 100 units, you will have enough to last you for years of study. It’s beautifully illustrated and we’ve added updated images and references. Here is an explanation from the introduction of the book which gives you the perspective of Partridge in creating the book:

“The teacher must be prepared to discard the time-worn beliefs that learning must take place with­in the four walls of a classroom, that book facts have some mystically increased value over first-hand experiences with nature, that there is some uniform body of knowledge of natural phenomena that should become the heritage of all, or that pupils must be taught by question and answer, by blackboard summaries, or even by the teacher. Let us go forth with our pupils ‘into the child’s natural laboratory’ where, together, we may find ‘the birds and insects of the air, the living animals of field and wood, the trees and flowers and shrubs, the water and the earth,’ the sun and other stars— ‘things which will attract and hold the child’s eye, arouse his wonder, stimulate his inquiries, and give him opportunities for discovery.’ In these places let nature answer the constant flow of questions that spring up in the minds of curious youth. Let us concede that though we be teachers, we must still be learners and can share the joy of discovery with our pupils.”
This book will surely become a favorite resource on your homeschooling bookshelf (or if you are like me, bookshelves).

Softcover, 464 pages
For grades K-8

This title is available from our Bookshop (click below):

Hillside Ed Bookshop Storefront

Here is a FREE PDF of blank calendars that match the monthly nature calendars in the book so you can create your own nature calendar to fit the area in which you live. CLICK HERE: Natural Science_Blank_calendars


In the Animal World by Emma Serl

In the reprint of a classic from early in the 20th century, Emma Serl compiles stories and poems about nine different animal families: cats, dogs, horses, gnawers, thick-skinned animals, cud chewers, seals and sea lions, bears, and monkeys. Serl adds her own stories as well along with factual information about each animal family.

Available at the Hillside Bookshop